Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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ed of the river appears to be split in an obliquedirection from one shore to the other;and the chasm on the north side is only a moreperfect breach.The fall of La Grande Chaudiere is morethan twenty leagues above the Longue Sault.Its name is justified both by its form and bythe vapor, or steam, which ascends from it.Above it there are several islands, of which theland is higher at the upper than at the lowerextremities. The carrying-place is not morethan a quarter of a mile in length, over asmooth rock, and so near the fall that the menin passing are wetted by the spray. Fromthis carrying-place to another of rather morelength, called the Portage de la Chaudiere andsometimes the Second Chaudiere, is only threemiles.In this part of the voyage I narrowly escapeda fatal accident. A thunder-gust havingobliged us to make the shore, the men wentinto the woods for shelter while I remained inmy canoe under a covering of bark. The canoehad been intended to be sufficiently drawnaground; but to my consternation it was notlong before, while thus left alone, I perceivedit to be adrift and going with the current towardLa Grande Chaudiere. Happily I madea timely discovery of my situation, and gettingout: in shallow water was enabled by theassistance of the men, who soon heard mycall, to save my property along with my life.22

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