Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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ant!described will sufficiently explain why thecanoe is the only vessel which can be employedalong its course. The necessity, indeed,becomes apparent at the very instant of ourdeparture from Montreal itself.The St. Lawrence for several miles immediatelyabove Montreal descends with a rapidcurrent over a shallow, rocky bed; insomuchthat even canoes themselves, when loaded,cannot resist the stream, and are thereforesent empty to Lachine, where they meet themerchandise which they are to carry, andwhich is transported thither by land. 9 Lachineis about nine miles higher up the riverthan Montreal, and is at the head of theSault de St. Louis, which is the highest ofthe saults, falls, or leaps in this part of theSt. Lawrence.On the third of August I sent my canoes toLachine, and on the following morning embarkedwith them for Michilimackinac. Theriver is here so broad as to be denominated alake, by the title of Lake St. Louis; the prospectis wide and cheerful; and the village hasseveral well-built houses.In a short time we reached the rapids andcarrying-place of St. Anne, two miles below9La Chine, or China, has always been the point ofdeparture for the upper countries. It owes its name tothe expeditions of M. de la Salle which were fitted outat this place for the discovery of a northwest passageto China. Author.17

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