Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfrhe uniformly fulfilled with honesty and fidelity.His Excellency, General Gage, who nowcommanded in chief in Canada, very reluctantlygranted me the permission at this timerequisite for going to Michilimackinac. Notreaty of peace had yet been made betweenthe English and the Indians, which latter werein arms under Pontiac, an Indian leader ofmore than common celebrity, and GeneralGage was therefore strongly and (as it becamemanifest) but too justly apprehensive thatboth the property and lives of His Majesty'ssubjects would be very insecure in the Indiancountries. But he had already granted suchpermission to a Mr. Bostwick, 6 and this I wasable to employ as an argument against hisrefusal in respect to myself. General Gagecomplied, and on the third day of August,hastily formed and in the battle which ensued, December5, 1780, somewhere in the vicinity of South Chicago,all but three of the raiders were killed or captured.Campion's name appears in numerous Mackinac documentscoming down to the year 1 794. Editor.6This was Henry Bostwick, the first English traderto go to Mackinac after the surrender of Montreal.Although in August, 1761, he is reported as being atDetroit (Diary of Sir William Johnson), he seems tohave made Mackinac his permanent headquarters.He was captured here by the Chippewa, in June, 17631and carried by the Ottawa to Montreal for ransom.Various documents show his residence at Mackinac inthe following years; among others, he was a signer in1781 of the treaty whereby Governor Patrick Sinclairpurchased Mackinac Island from the natives. Editor.13

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