Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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lijenrpproceeded more than a mile when our canoebecame full of water, and it was not till after along search that we found a place of safety.Treading once more upon dry ground, Ishould willingly have faced the wilderness andall its Indians rather than embark again; butmy guide informed me that I was upon anisland, and I had therefore no choice beforeme. We stopped the leaks a second time andrecommenced our voyage, which we performedwith success, but sitting all the way in sixinches of water. In this manner we arrivedat the foot of the rapids, where the river wasfrozen all across. Here we disembarked uponthe ice, walked to the bank, made a fire, andencamped; for such is the phrase employed inthe woods of Canada.At daybreak the next morning we put on oursnowshoes and commenced our journey overthe ice; and at ten o'clock arrived in sight ofLake St. Francais, which is from four to sixmiles in breadth. The wind was high and thesnow, drifting over the expanse, prevented usat times from discovering the land, and consequently(for compass we had none) frompursuing with certainty our course.Toward noon the storm became so violentthat we directed our steps to the shore on thenorth side by the shortest route we could; andmaking a fire, dined on the remains of theIndian hunter 'sbounty. At two o'clock in theafternoon, when the wind had subsided and10

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