Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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overtaken me. I thought it most prudent toabstain from all reproof; and we proceeded onour march till sunrise, when we arrived ata solitary Indian hunting-lodge, built withbranches of trees, and of which the only inhabitantswere an Indian and his wife. Herethe warmth of a large fire reconciled me to asecond experiment on Indian hospitality. Theresult was very different from that of the onewhich had preceded it; for after relieving mythirst with melted snow and my hunger with aplentiful meal of venison, of which there was agreat quantity in the lodge, and which wasliberally set before me, I resumed my journey,full of sentiments of gratitude, such as almostobliterated the recollection of what had befallenme among the friends of my benefactors.From the hunting lodge I followed my guidetillevening, when we encamped on the banksof the St. Lawrence, making a fire and suppingon the meat with which our wallets had beenfilled in the morning.While I indulged myself in rest my guidevisited the shore, where he discovered a barkcanoe which had been left there in the beginningof the winter by some Indian wayfarers.We were now at the head of the LongueSault, one of those portions of the river inwhich it passes over a shallow, inclining, androcky bed, and where its motion consequentlyprevents it from freezing, even in the coldestpart of the year; and my guide, as soon as he

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