Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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only so much clothing as I had fortunately leftupon me when I lay down to sleep. It was nowone o'clock in the morning in the month ofJanuary, and in a climate of extreme rigor.I was unable to address a single word in herown language to the old woman who had thusbefriended me; but on repeating the name ofBodoine, I soon found that she comprehendedmy meaning; and having first pointed to alarge tree, behind which she made signs thatuntil she could find my guide I should hidemyself, she left me on this important errand.Meanwhile, I made my way to the tree andseated myself in the snow. From my retreatI beheld several Indians running from onelodge to another, as if to quell the disturbancewhich prevailed.The coldness of the atmosphere congealedthe blood about my wound and prevented furtherbleeding; and the anxious state of mymind rendered me almost insensible to bodilyAt the end of half an hour I heardsuffering.myself called by Bodoine, whom, on going tohim, I found as much intoxicated and as mucha savage as the Indians themselves; but he was,nevertheless, able to fetch my snowshoes fromthe lodge in which I had left them, and topoint out to me a beaten path, which presentlyentered a deep wood, and which he told me Imust follow.After walking about three miles I heard, atlength, the footsteps of my guide, who had now

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