Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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that; no danger was to be apprehended; andbeing greatly fatigued, I entered one of thelodges, where I presently fell asleep.Unfortunately Bodoine had brought uponhis back a small keg of rum, which, while Islept, he opened, not only for himself but forthe general gratification of his friends; a circumstanceof which I was first made aware inbeing awakened by a kick on the breast fromthe foot of one of my hosts, and by a yell orIndian cry which immediately succeeded. Atthe instant of opening my eyes I saw thatmy assailant was struggling with one of hiscompanions, who, in conjunction with severalwomen, was endeavoring to restrain hisferocity. Perceiving, however, in the countenanceof my enemy the most determined mischief,I sprung upon my feet, receiving in sodoing a wound in my hand from a knife whichhad been raised to give a more serious wound.While the rest of my guardians continued theircharitable efforts for my protection,an oldwoman took hold of my arm, and making signsthat I should accompany her, led me out of thelodge, and then gave me to understand thatunless I fled or could conceal myself I shouldcertainly be killed.My guide was absent, and without his directionI was at a loss where to go. In all the surroundinglodges there was the same howlingand violence as in that from which I had escaped.I was without my snowshoes, and had

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