Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anti3ltibcnturcAt this time, having disposed of my goodsto the garrison and the season for travelingon the snow and ice being set in, I prepared todown to Montreal. The was to bego journeyperformed through a country inhabited only byIndians and by beasts of the forest, and whichpresented to the eye no other change thanfrom thick woods to the broad surface of afrozen river. It was necessary that I shouldbe accompanied as well by an interpreter as bya guide, to both of which ends I engaged theservices of a Canadian, named Jean BaptisteBodoine.The snow which lay upon the ground was bythis time three feet in depth. The hour of departurearriving, I left the fort on snowshoes,an article of equipment which I had never usedbefore, and which I found it not a little difficultto manage. I did not avoid frequentfalls; and when down I was scarcely able torise.At sunset on the first day we reached anIndian encampment of six lodges and abouttwenty men. As these people had been veryrecently employed offensively against theEnglish, in the French service, I agreed butreluctantly to the proposal of my guide andinterpreter, which was nothing less than thatwe should pass the night with them. My fearswere somewhat lulled by his information thathe was personally acquainted with those whocomposed the camp, and by his assurances

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