Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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preface\ PREMATURE attempt to share in the/"\ fur trade of Canada, directly on the conquestof the country, led the author of thefollowing pages into situations of some dangerand singularity; and the pursuit, under betterauspices, of the same branch of commerce,occasioned him to visit various parts of theIndian Territories.These transactions occupied a period ofsixteen years, commencing nearly with theauthor's setting out in life. The details, fromtime to time committed to paper, form the subjectmatter of the present volume.The heads, under which, for the most part,they will be found to range themselves, arethree: first, the incidents or adventures inwhich the author was engaged; secondly, theobservations, on the geography and naturalhistory of the countries visited, which he wasable to make, and to preserve; and, thirdly,the views of society and manners, among apart of the Indians of <strong>North</strong> America, which ithas belonged to the course of his narrative todevelop.Upon the last, the author may be permittedto remark, that he has by no means undertakento write the general history of the Americanmi

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