Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Robinson, Alexander, Potawatomi chief, account ofMatchekewis, 157.Roche Capitaine, Portage du, described, 28.Roche Rouge, pipestone quarry, 245.Roosevelt, Theodore, on grizzly bear hunting, 315Ross, John, Peter Pond kills, 244.Royale, He, Carver's report concerning, 216.Rum, Indian carousal over, 6-7; "English milk," 45;drinking by Lake of the Woods Indians, 235-36;demanded by Chatique, 251; price, 304; diluted forIndian trade, 304, 311.SABLE Point, location, 123.Sacrifices, of dogs, 107, 125, 144, 170, 289; to GreatTurtle, 163; to rattlesnake, 170-71; of Henryproposed, 171; to Nanibojou, 205; among Assiniboin,289.Saginaw Bay, Indians visit Michilimackinac, 150.Sagunac (Saginaga) Lake, Indians of, 232-33.St. Anne, vows offered at Church, 18.St. Anne Rapids, 17-18.St. Charles Fort, location, 236.St. Claire Lake, settlements near, 180;180.St. Francais Lake, Henry reaches, 10.Indian villages,St. Ignace Cape, near St. Martin Island, 123.St. Ignace Mission, established by Marquette, 184.St. Ignace Point, Henry visits, 151.St. James, capital of Mormon kingdom, 94.St. Joseph, Fort, raided, 12; site, 53; Ottawa savegarrison, 106.St. Lawrence River, Gen. Amherst descends, 3-4;Henry navigates rapids, 8-10; character, 17.St. Louis, Pontiac buried at, 179.St. Martin Island, Henry sojourns on, 133.St. Pierre River, trading expedition planned, 47.St. Sulpice, mission, 19.Sand bars, at river mouths, 125.Sandusky Bay, Bradstreet's army at, 177-78.Santee Indians, origin of name, 277.336

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