Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Plains, of Saskatchewan, extent, 257, 265-66; inhabitants,266; Henry visits, 257-301; use of nauticalterms on, 299.Pluie, Lake a la, see Rainy Lake.Polygamy, among Cristinaux, 241 ; among Indians ingeneral, 292-93.Pond, Peter, describes vows paid at St. Anne's, 18;career, 243-44; goes to Fort Dauphin, 253.Pontiac, leads Indians against English, xiii, 13; besiegesDetroit, 174; makes peace, 178; death, 178-79.Poplar trees, food for beaver, 126; on SaskatchewanRiver, 246, 268; at Fort des Prairies, 303.Porcupine, true name, 141.Potatoes, cultivated at Michilimackinac, 217; atMichipicoten, 217.Prairie des Francais, La, on French River, 33.Prairie du Chien, peace council, 189-90.Prairies, Fort des, destination of J. B. Cadotte, Sr.,253; location, 265; Great Road visits, 298-302;description, 303.Presqu'isle, Bradstreet's army at, 177; council at, 178.Puants, Bay des, see Green Bay.QUEBEC, surrender of, xii, 3; Charles Langlade atsiege of, 80; Montgomery assaults, 317.RACCOONS, method of hunting, 128-29; numberscaught, 132.Radisson, Pierre Esprit, sieur d', winters at ChequamegonBay, 189.Rainy Lake, Henry traverses, 253.Rainy River, Henry traverses, 233-34, 318; scarcity ofgame, 234.Rapid, The, Churchill River chief, 311.Rat, Portage du, Henry passes, 236-37.Rattlesnakes, superstitions concerning, 168-71.Red deer, habitat, 126; hunted, 135, 142; season forhunting, 141; carcass found, 264; on plains ofSaskatchewan, 289.Revolutionary War, news of in <strong>North</strong>west, 317-18.Rideau Falls, described, 21.335

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