Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Menominee Indians, escort English garrison to L'ArbreCroche, 106; attitude in Pontiac's War, 107.Merchandise, prices at Michilimackinac, 149; toIndians, 187; at Fort des Prairies, 303-304.<strong>Michigan</strong>, Lake, Henry plans trading expedition to,47; opening of navigation, 58.chilimad "Michilimackinac, Fort, M. Leduc at, n; Henrydecides to visit, xiii, 11-12; route from Montreal,15; location at different periods, 37; described,40-41; as fur-trade center, 41; Beaujeau evacuates,52;. British reach, 52; disaffection of Indians,72-77; garrison massacred, 78-82; English expeditionsent to recover, 179; peace with Chippewaand Ottawa concluded, 180; Henry returns to,201-202.Michilimackinac Island, name, 37, 109; Chippewavillage on, 37-38; warriors hold council with Henry,41-46; Henry's sojourn on, 107-112.Michipicoten, Henry winters at, 203-17.Michipicoten Island, Henry explores, 215-17.Milford (Conn.), Peter Pond at, 243-44.Minavavana, Chippewa chief, existence denied, xix;speech, 42-45; surrenders Henry, 102-103; advisesHenry, 113.Minnesota River, see St. Pierre River.Miscoutinsaki Rapid, Heavy ascends, 59.Missions, see Jesuits.Missisaki Indians, name, 35; at Lake Simcoe, 171;attend peace council, 171, 175; in Indian battalion,175-77-Missisaki River, name, 35; Henry reaches, 167.Mississagi Point, near Fort Niagara, 173.Money, furs employed as, 55-56; lack of, at FortMichilimackinac, 183-84.Montague, Portage de la, described, 25.Montgomery, Gen. Richard, death, 317.Montreal, captured, 480; Henry arrives at, 318.Moose, on Churchill River journey, 307.Moose River, route by, 228; Henry crosses, 268.Mormons, kingdom on Beaver Islands, 94.332

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