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Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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266, 302; use of tobacco, 273; guards among, 274,280, 282-83, 311-12; marriage customs, 290-93.Iroquois Indians, influence of Sir William Johnsonover, 159; hostility to Chippewa, 159; traditionconcerning defeat by Chippewa, 185-86; Ottawaseek asylum from, 192; cruelty to prisoners, 266.Iroquois Point, name, 185-86; Henry camps on, 222.Iron River, in Ontonagon county, 187.JAMET, Ensign John, commandant at Sault Ste.Marie, 62; journey to Michilimackinac, 66-68;slain, 79, 92.Jesuits, missionary at Michilimackinac, 40; missionat L'Arbre Croche, 47 of St.; Ignatius, 1 23.Johnson, Sir William, kindness to prisoners, 57; sendsembassy to western Indians, 158-59; career, 158-59; friendship prophesied, 164-65; kindness toHenry, 173; partner in mining enterprise, 226.KAMINISTIQUIA, trading house at, 229.Keweenaw Bay, Father Mnard at, 212.Kinzie, John, in Fort Dearborn massacre, 83.Kichi Manito, see Great Spirit.LACHINE, head of fur-trade navigation, 17.La Cloche Island, Henry visits, 33-34, 167; name, 33;inhabitants attend peace council, 167.La Crosse, ball game, see Baggatiway.Lake of the Woods, Henry traverses, 234-37.Land, Indian ownership of, 144.Land's Height, described, 231-32.Langlade, Charles, career, 80-81; shelters Henry atMichilimackinac, 80-87; inhumanity, 93-94.L'Arbre Croche, Ottawa village, 47-48; Indians takeprisoners from Chippewa, 96-98; Henry visits,124, 148.La Ronde, Louis Denis, sieur de, at ChequamegonBay, 185.Lead, on Nanibojou Island, 222.Leduc, M.-, gives information on fur trade, u.Legends, of Nanibojou, 203-205; of Island of YellowSands, 215-18; of carrying place of the Lost child,238.330

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