Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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life, 129; lost, 132-37; bear hunt, 138-39, 193;proceeds of winter's hunt, 149; life threatened, 150,157; disguised as Canadian, 156; journey to FortNiagara, 159-60, 166-73; commands Indian battalion,175-77; goes to Oak Bay, 198-201; wintersat Michipicoten, 203-17; explores MichipicotenIsland, 215; Island of Yellow Sands, 219-21;mining operations, 219-26; journey to Lake Winnipeg,227-42; from Lake Winnipeg to Beaver Lake,243-53; winters on Beaver Lake, 253-56, 305-306;journey to Fort des Prairies, 257-67;tour of plains,267-87; 298-301; return to Beaver Lake, 303-305;visits Churchill River, 305-16; returns to Montreal,316-18.Henry, Alexander, the Younger, xv.Henry, William, xv.Highlanders, at Cumberland House, 241-2.Hole-in-the-Day, Chippewa chief, 190.Holmes, William, tours plains of Saskatchewan, 267.Horses, Among Assiniboin, 280, 300.Howard, Capt. ,leads expedition to recoverFort Michilimackinac, 179-80.Hudson's Bay Company, posts raided, 228; stationof, 251; rivalry with <strong>North</strong>-West Company, 252;builds Fort a la Corne, 265 traders deceive;Indians,3H-i6.Huron Indians, village on Detroit River, 180.Huron Lake, islands described, 35-36; Henry traverses,33-38; 166-71, 180.ILE A LA CROSSE Lake, Henry reaches, 310.Indians, drink liquor, 6-7, 109-111; entertain Henry, 8;hostile to English, 34,72-77; slavery among, 81,266, 295-97; sacrifices, 107, 125, 144, 163, 170-171,205, 289; burial customs, 108, 144-45, 293-95;cannibalism, 71, 98, 104-105, 199-201; medicalpractices, 113-22; 161-66; diseases, 116-17; superstitions,139-40, 151, 161-66, ,168-71; belief concerningfuture life, 145-46; ownership of land,144; battalion formed, 175-77; cruelty to prisoners,329

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