Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Great Hare, see Nanibojou.Great Road, Indian chief, sends messengers, 272;entertains Henry, 275-78; personal appearance,277-78; speech, 281; visits Fort des Prairies,298-302.Great Spirit, sacrifices to, 107, 125, 144; deprivesbeaver of speech, 128; feasts to, 144, 193-95;Wawatam commends Henry to, 155; invoked byChippewa, 161-66; residence on islands of LakeSuperior, 36, 216-17.Great Turtle, guardian spirit of Chippewa, 160;ceremony of invoking, 161-66.Green Bay, English send garrison to,Ottawa Indians, 106.52; saved byGrondines, Point aux, in Lake Huron, 33; Henryvisits, 167-69.Groseilliers, Medard Chouart, Sieur de, winters atChequamegon Bay, 184.HAMILTON, Gov. Henry, report upon pay due Canadianmilitia, 179-80.Hares, hunted, 55; use by Wood Indians, 62.Hauteur de Terre, see Land's Height.Hawks, on Island of Yellow Sands, 220.Hearne, Samuel, pleads for life of prisoner, 83; explorationsof, 251-52.Hedge hog, see Porcupine.Henry, Alexander, sketch of career, xii-xv; joins armyof Gen. Amherst, xii, 3; enters fur trade, xiii;loses merchandise, xiii, 4; estimate of narrative,xv-xxi; editions of, xxi-xxii; winters at FortLevis, 4; visits Albany, 4, 12; learns use of snowshoes, 5; attacked by Indians, 6-7; journey toMichilimackinac, 15-39, 66-68, 70-71, 114, 147-49,179-80, 201-202; to Sault Ste. Marie, 59, 68-69,151-56; winters at Sault Ste. Marie, 60-66, 180, 198-202; learns Chippewa language, 62, 76; in massacreof Fort Michilimackinac, 78-87; captivity, 88-99;rescued by Wawatam, 99-103; disguised as Indian,113-14; goes to Boutchjtaouy Bay, 115; winterson Au Sable River, 123-46; resigned to savage

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