Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cocking, Matthew, explorations of, 252; hospitality totraders, 258.Copper, on Ontonagon River, 186-87, 197; on northshore of Lake Superior, 203, 205; on NanibojouIsland, 222; attempts to mine, 218-24.Copper Rock, sketch of 197.Corne, Fort a la, location, 265.Corne, M. de la, builds fort, 265.Cougars, see panthers.Court Oreilles Indians, sobriquet for Ottawa, 192.Court Oreilles, Lac, refuge of Ottawa, 191-92.Cristinaux (Christinaux, Kristinaux, Killistinoes, Cree)Indians, language of Wood Indians derived from,206; of Lake Winnipeg described, 239-43; resemblancesto Assiniboin, 289; relations with, 302;visit Fort des Prairies, 301; thievery among, 302;language as trade medium, 313.Cruickshank, , partner in mining company, 226.Cuchoise, John, befriends Henry, 93-94.Cumberland House, Henry visits, 258, 305.Cumberland Lake, see Sturgeon Lake.Cumberland Station, see Pas Mission.DAMS, beaver, 30.Dancing, among Assiniboin, 287.Dauphin, Fort, Peter Pond goes to, 253.Davers, Sir Robert, English traveler, visits Sault Ste.Marie, 70; killed, 71.Deluge, myth of, 209.Detour, Point du, in Lake Huron, 36; Henry passes,59; encamps at, 66-67.Detroit, siege of, 174; expedition of Bradstreet to,174-79; Peter Pond at, 243-44.Deux Montagnes, Lake des, Henry reaches, 19.Devil's Hole, massacre, 175.Dogs, sacrificed, 107, 125, 144, 170, 289; as beasts ofburden, 269, 298; numbers among Assiniboin. 280.Dreams, of Indian women, 147; of Wawatam's wife,151-Ducharme, Jean Marie, fur trader, 72.Ducharme, Laurent, fur trader, 72.325

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