Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Boutchitaouy Bay, arm of Lake Huron, 37; route by,68; Henry at, 115, 151.Braddock's defeat, 52, 80.Bradstreet, Col. John, career, 174; expedition toDetroit, 174-79.British Museum, specimens presented, 222.Buffalo, skins as tents, 249; as clothing, 258; numbers,265, 273; tongues eaten, 273; uses subservedamong Assiniboin, 282, 301-302; hunt described,284-86.Buffalo's Head Island, in Lake Winnipeg, 244.Burgoyne, Gen. John, in Revolutionary War, 318.Burial customs, 108, 144-45, 293-95.CADOTTE, Jean Baptiste Jr., fur trader, 6p.Cadotte, Jean Baptiste, Sr., interpreter at Sault Ste.Marie, 60; influence over Indians, 151, 156; protectsHenry, 157-58; partner of Henry, 184; goesto Fort des Prairies, 253.Cadotte, Madame, rescues Henry, 154-56.Cadotte, Michel, fur trader, 60.Cahokia (111.), Pontiac slain at, 179.Campion, Etienne, enters employ of Henry, 12-13;Henry entrusts business to, 39; brings news, 51.Canadians, relations with Indians, 34; hostilitytoward English, 40; monopoly of fur trade, 54;onlookers at massacre, 80; prisoners entrusted to,91-92; in Captain Howard's expedition, 179-80;contemplate cannibalism, 212-13.Cannibalism, prisoners eaten, 71, 98, 104-105; amongIndians, 199-201; proposed, 212-13.Canoes, of traders described, 15-16; method of making,172; of <strong>North</strong>west described, 230-31; dispositionin winter, 254.Caribou, on island of Yellow Sands, 219-21 ;on ChurchillRiver, 310.Caribou Island, see Island of Yellow Sands.Carver, Capt. Jonathan, account of rites of medicinemen, 166; death of Pontiac, 178-79; legends ofIsland of Yellow, Sands, 216-17; mines of LakeSuperior. 224-25; French raid, 228-323

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