Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Baxter, Alexander, on mineral9gical tour, 210; partnerin mining company, 217; terminates business ofcompany, 226.Baxter, , partner in mining company, 226.Bear, hunts, 138-39, 193; Indian superstitions concerning,139-40; feast, 140; habits, 141; in Nanibojoulegend, 209; meat purchased, 256; on plainsof Saskatchewan, 289; on Churchill River, 310;Grizzly, as fighter, 315-16.Beaujeau de Villemonde, evacuates Michilimackinac,52, 89.Beaver, dams, 30; price of skins at Michilimackinac,56; habits, 125-28; methods of hunting, 125, 127-28; as food, 128; number caught, 132, 196-97;lodge, 137; as medium of exchange, 183-84; atMichilimackinac, 202; on Saskatchewan River,248; meat purchased, 256; skins as presents, 281;purchased, 312.Beaver Islands, historical sketch, 94; destination ofEnglish captives, 94-97.Beaver Lake, Henry winters on, 253-56, 305-306;traverses, 316.Beaver River, see River aux Castors.Bedford- Jones, Henry, attacks Henry's narrative, xviixx;theory concerning Wawatam, 155-56.Big Sable River, Henry winters in vicinity, 1 24.Birch trees, food for Beaver, 126; on Churchill River,308.Blackfoot Indians, country explored, 252; neighborsof Assiniboin, 288.Bodoine, Jean Baptiste, guides Henry to Montreal,5-12.Bostonnais (Bastonnais, Bostonians), sobriquet ofAmerican colonists, 317-18.Bostwick, Henry, visits Michilimackinac, 13; inmassacre, 91, 95, 105; partner in mining company,217, 226.Bourbon, Fort, on Cedar Lake, 248.Bourbon, Lake de, see Cedar Lake.Bourbon River, see Saskatchewan River.322

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