Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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By means of these commodities many customerswere secured to the company; and eventhose Indians who shortened their voyage bydealing with us sent forward one canoe, ladenwith beaver skins, to purchase articles of thiskind at Cumberland House. I did not ventureto dispute their value.This part of our commercial adventurecompleted, Mr. Frobisher and myself left theremainder of our merchandise in the care ofMr. Thomas Frobisher, who was to proceedwith them to Lake Arabuthcow, and on thefourth of July, set out on our return to theGrand Portage.In recrossing Beaver Lake the wind obligedus to put into a bay which I had not visitedbefore. Taking my gun I went into the woodsin search of game; but I had not advancedmore than half a mile when I found the countryalmost inaccessible by reason of masses ofrock which were scattered in all directions:some were as large as houses, and lay as iftheyhad been first thrown into the air and thensuffered to fall into their present posture. Bya circuitous route I at last ascended the mountain,from one side of which they had fallen;the whole body was fractured, and separatedby large chasms. In some places parts of themountain of half an acre in surface were raisedabove the general level. It was a scene for therather fight two Indians than one bear." Editor.316

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