Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Crabcis anti&DtocnturrRapid. They had joined for mutual defenseagainst the Cristinaux, of whom they were incontinual dread. They were not at war withthat nation, but subject to be pillaged by itsbands.While the lodges of the Indians were settingup the chiefs paid us a visit, at which theyreceived a large present of merchandise, andagreed to our request that we should be permittedto purchase the furs of their bands.They inquired whether or not we had anyrum; and, being answered in the affirmative,they observed that several of their young menhad never tasted that liquor, and that if itwas too strong it would affect their heads.Our rum was in consequence submitted totheir judgment; and after tasting it severaltimes they pronouncedit to be too strong, andrequested that we would order a part of thespirit to evaporate. We complied by addingmore water to what had received a large proportionof that element before; and this beingdone, the chiefs signified their approbation.We remarked that no other Indian approachedour house while the chiefs were in it. Thechiefs observed to us that their young men,while sober, would not be guilty of any irregularity,but that lest when in liquor theyshould be troublesome, they had ordered acertain number not to drink at all, but maintaina constant guard. We found their orderspunctually obeyed, and not a man attempted

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