Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anliwoman, in the capacity of a guide, in whichservice Mr. Frobisher had previously employedher.As we advanced we found the river frequentlywidening into lakes thirty miles longand so broad, as well as so crowded with islands,that we were unable to distinguish themainland on either side. Above them we founda strait, in which the channel was shallow,rocky, and broken, with the attendant featuresof rapids and carrying-places. The countrywas mountainous and thinly wooded, and thebanks of the river were continued rocks.Higher up, lofty mountains discovered themselves,destitute even of moss, and it was onlyat intervals that we saw afar off a few stuntedpine trees.On the fifth day we reached the Rapidedu Serpent, which issupposed to be threehundred miles from our point of departure.We found whitefish so numerous in all therapids that shoals of many thousands werevisible with their backs above the water. Themen supplied themselves by killing them withtheir paddles. The water is clear and transparent.The Rapide du Serpentis about three mileslong and very swift. Above this we reachedanother rapid, over the carrying-place ofwhich we carried our canoe. At this placevegetation began to reappear, and the countrybecame level and of an agreeable aspect.309

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