Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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threegood health and had built a house for our reception.The whole country from Beaver Lake to theMissinipi is low near the water, with mountainsin the distance. The uplands have a growth ofsmall pine trees, and the valleys, of birch andspruce. The river is called the ChurchillRiver, from Fort Churchill in Hudson 'Bay, themost northerly of the company's factories ortrading-houses, and which is seated at itsmouth. By Mr. Joseph Frobisher it wasnamed English River. At the spot where ourhouse was built the river is five miles wide andvery deep. We were estimated by the Indiansto be distant hundred miles from the.sea. Cumberland House was to the southwardof us, distant four hundred miles. Wehad the light of the sun in sufficient quantityfor all purposes during the whole twenty-fourhours. The redness of his rays reached farabove the horizon.We were in expectation of a particular bandof Indians, and as few others made their appearancewe resolved on ascending the riverto meet them, and even, in failure of thatevent, to go as far westward as Lake Arabuthcow,70 distant according to the Indiansfour hundred and fifty miles.With these views we embarked on the sixteenthwith six Canadians and also one Indian70 Called also Athapuscow, and Athabasca. Author.Modern Lake Athabasca.308Editor.

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