Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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A stroud blanket10 beaver skinsA white blanket8 beaver skinsAn axe of one pound weight 3 beaver skinsHah a pint of gunpowderi beaver skinTen balls i beaver skin,but the principal profits accrued from the saleof knives, beads, flints, steels, awls, and othersmall articles,Tobacco, when sold, fetched one beaver skinper foot of Spencer's twist; and rum, not verystrong, two beaver skins per bottle: but agreat proportion of these commodities was disposedof in presents. 67The quantity of furs brought into the fortwas very great. From twenty to thirty Indiansarrived daily, laden with packs of beaver skins.67The tobacco supplied by the traders to the Indianswas commonly twisted in the form of a rope, and thequantity of a given portion was indicated by itslength; the rum, before being sold to the natives wasdiluted with water, the degree of dilution dependingupon such factors as the rapacity of the trader, theeagerness of the native to procure the rum, and theextent of his sophistication with respect to the use ofthis beverage. Editor.304

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