Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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In the course of the next day, the twentythirdof the month, we passed several coppices,and saw that the face of the country waschanging and that we had arrived on the marginof the Plains. On the twenty-seventh weencamped on a large wood, where the Indiansresolved on leaving the old women and childrentill their return from the fort, from which weOnwere now distant only one day's march.the twenty-eighth they halted for the wholeday; but we engaged two of them to lead usforward, and thus arrived in the evening at thefort, where we found all well. A large band ofCristinaux had brought skins from the BeaverRiver.Next day the Indians advanced their campto within half a mile of the fort, but leftthirty tents behind them in the wood. Theycontinued with us three days, selling theirskins and provisions for trinkets.It is not in this manner that the northernIndians dispose of the harvest of the chase.With them the principal purchases are ofnecessaries; but the Osinipoilles are less dependenton our merchandise. The wild oxalone supplies them with everything whichthey are accustomed to want. The hide of thisanimal, when dressed, furnishes soft clothingfor the women; and dressed with the hair on, itclothes the men. The flesh feeds them; thesinews afford them bowstrings; and even thepaunch, as we have seen, provides them with301

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