Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 14THE RETURN TO FORT DES PRAIRIESON the nineteenth of February the chiefapprised us that it was his design to departthe next morning for the fort. Inconsequence we collected our baggage, which,however, was but small, consisting in abuffalo robe for each person, an axe, and akettle. The last was reluctantly parted withby our friends, who had none left to supply itsplace.At daybreak on the twentieth all was noiseand confusion in the camp, the women beatingand loading the dogs, and the dogs howlingand crying. The tents were speedily struck,and .the coverings and poles packed up to bedrawn by the dogs.Soon after sunrise the march began. In thevan were twenty-five soldiers, who were tobeat the path so that the dogs might walk.They were followed by about twenty men,apparently in readiness for contingent services;and after these went the women, each drivingone or two, and some five, loaded dogs. Thenumber of these animals actually drawingloads exceeded five hundred. After the baggagemarched the main body of the men, carryingonly their arms. The rear was guarded by298

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