Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratorig anfcof the other wives among the rest. Theyappear to live in much harmony. Polygamyamong the Indians conduces little to population.For the number of adults the childrenare always few.In naming a child the father officiates, andthe ceremony is simple. The relations areinvited to a feast, when he makes a speech, informingthe guests of the name by which thechild is to be called, and addresses a prayer tothe Great Spirit, petitioning for the child'slife and welfare.With respect to the burial of the dead, if thedeath happen in the winter season and at adistance from the burial ground of the family,the body invariably accompanies all the wanderingsand journeys of the survivors till thespring, and till their arrival at the place ofinterment. In the meantime it iseverywhererested on a scaffold, out of the reach of beastsof prey. The graveis made of a circular form,about five feet deep, and lined with bark of thebirch or some other tree, or with skins. A seatis prepared, and the body is placed in a sittingposture, with supporters on either side. Ifthe deceased be a man, his weapons of warand of the chase are buried with him, as alsohis shoes, and everything for which as a livingwarrior or hunter he would have occasion, and,indeed, all his property; and I believe thatthose whose piety alone may not be strongenough to ensure to the dead the entire293

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