Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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SUejtanberispoured upon a red-hot stone, tillthe steaminduces perspiration.The terms are either that the young man, aswas most usual in older times, shall serve thefather of the young woman for a certain period(as for three years) or that he shall redeemhimself from this obligation by a present.If he be to serve, then, at the time fixed, hegoes, accompanied by his father and mother,to the lodge of the young woman's family.There he is desired by her mother to sit downon the same mat with her. A feast is usuallyserved, and the young woman's father deliversa suitable speech. The young man is thenceforwardregarded as one of his wife's family,and remains in the lodge accordingly.If, on the other hand, he redeems himself bya present, then his father and mother go aloneto the lodge of the young woman's family,carrying a present. If the present be accepted,they leave it and return home; and shortlyafter the father and mother, accompanied bytheir daughter, go to the lodge of the bridegroom'sfamily, where the bride is desired tosit down beside her husband. The feast andspeech are now made by the young man'sfather, and the young woman is received intohis family.Every man marries as many wives as hepleases, and as he can maintain; and the usualnumber is from one to five. The oldest inmost cases is the mistress of the family, and292

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