Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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INChapter 13CUSTOMS OF THE RED MENthe morning we went to the hunt accordingly.The chief was followed by aboutforty men and a great number of women.We proceeded to a small island on the plain, atthe distance of five miles from the village. Onour way we saw large herds of oxen at feed,but the hunters forbore to molest them, lestthey should take the alarm.Arrived at the island, the women pitched afew tents while the chief led his hunters to itssouthern end where there was a pound, orenclosure. The fence was about four feet high,and formed of strong stakes of birchwood,wattled with smaller branches of the same.The day was spent in making repairs, and bythe evening all was ready for the hunt.At daylight several of the more experthunters were sent to decoy the animals into thepound. They were dressed in ox skins, withthe hair and horns. Their faces were covered,and their gestures so closely resembled thoseof the animals themselves that had I not beenin the secret I should have been as much deceivedas the oxen.At ten o'clock one of the hunters returned,bringing information of the herd. Immediately284

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