Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antithrough the ceremony of the pipe, after whichthe great chief delivered a speech, of which thesubstance was as follows: That he was glad tosee us; that he had been, some time since, informedof a fort of the white men's beingestablished on the Pasquayah, and that it hadalways been his intention to pay a visit there;that we were our own masters, to remain at ourpleasure in his village, free from molestation,and assured of his especial protection; that theyoung men had employed themselves in collectingmeat and furs, for the purpose of purchasingcertain articles, wherewith to decoratetheir wives; that within a few days he proposedto move, with his whole village, on this errand;that nothing should be omitted to make ourstay as agreeable as possible; that he had alreadyordered a party of his soldiers to guardus, and that ifanything should occur to displeaseus, his ear was always open to ourcomplaints.For all these friendly communications weoffered our thanks. His visit to the fort it hadbeen a principal object to invite.After the speech the chief presented us withtwenty beaver skins, and as many wolf. Inreturn we gave two pounds of vermilion, and afew fathoms of twisted tobacco, assuring himthat when he should arrive at our habitationwe would endeavor to repay the benefits whichwe were receiving from him, and at the sametime cheerfully exchange our merchandise for281

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