Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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mile and a half long. Shortly after, we observedsmoke arising from it, and were informed thatit was the smoke of the village. The morningwas clear and the sun shining.At eleven o'clock two fresh messengers camefrom the village, by whom the strangers wereformally welcomed on the part of the chief.They told us that they were directed to conductus and our servants to a lodge, which hadbeen prepared for our reception.At the entrance of the wood we were met bya large band of Indians, having the appearanceof a guard, each man being armed with his bowand spear and having his quiver filled witharrows. In this, as in much that followed, therewas more of order and discipline than in anythingwhich I had before witnessed amongIndians. The power of these guards appearedto be great, for they treated very roughly someof the people who, in their opinion, approachedus too closely. Forming themselves in regularfile on either side of us, they escortedus to the lodge, or tent, which was assigned us.It was of a circular form, covered with leather,and not less than twenty feet in diameter. Onthe ground within, ox-skins were spread forbeds and seats.274

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