Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anH a&toenturekilled several when close upon their tents; butneither the fire of the Indians nor the noise ofthe dogs could soon drive them away. Whateverwere the terrors which filled the wood, theyhad no other escape from the terrors of thestorm.In the night of the tenth the wind fell. Theinterval had been passed in feasting on thetongues of the oxen. On the morning of theeleventh the messengers left us before day-We had already charged them with alight.present for the chief, consisting in tobacco andvermilion. Of these articles, the formerexceeds all others in estimation; for the Indiansare universally great smokers, men, women andchildren, and no affair can be transacted, civilor religious, without the pipe.Our march was performed at a quick pacein the track of the messengers. All the forepart of the day escaped without discovering tous a single wood, or even a single twig, withfthe exception of a very small island, lying onour right; but at four o'clock in the afternoonwe reached a little scrub, or bushy tract, onwhich we encamped. We were at no greatdistance from the village; but the Indians, asis their custom, delayed their entrytill themorning.On the twelfth at ten o'clock in the forenoonwe were in sight of a wood, or island, as theterm not unnaturally is, as well with theIndians as others; itappeared to be about a273

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