Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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The Plains cross the River Pasquayah, Kejeechewon,Sascatchiwaine, or Shascatchiwan, alittle above Fort des Prairies.The Indians who inhabit them immediatelyto the southward are called psinipoillesorAssiniboins. 65 At the fort I met with a womanwho was a slave among the Osinipoilles, takenfar to* the westward of the mountains in acountry which the latter incessantly ravage.She informed me that the men of the countrynever suffer themselves to be taken, but alwaysdie in the field rather than fall into captivity.The women and children are made slaves, butare not put to death nor tormented. 56 Hernation lived on a great river running to thesouthwest, and cultivated beans, squashes,maize, and tobacco. The lands were generallymountainous and covered with pine and fir.She had heard of men who wear their beards.She had been taken in one of the incursionsof the Osinipoilles. Of the men who were inthe village, the greater part were killed, but afew escaped by swimming across the river.55The Assiniboin tribe is closely related to the Sioux,having seceded from the latter in the seventeenthcentury, according to Perrot. Editor.b6The Five Nations, and others, are known to havetreated their prisoners with great cruelty; but there istoo much reason to believe that the exercise of thiscruelty has been often encouraged, and its malignityoften increased, by European instigators and assistants.Author.266

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