Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Details aside, the most important accusationmade by Mr. Jones is that the entire storyof Henry's relations with Wawatam and ChiefMinavavana is a myth, and that these charactersnever in fact existed. If this charge betrue, then indeed all confidence in Henry'snarrative becomes impossible. Looking to theevidence in support of these assertions, however,we find that it practically reduces tothis, that Minavavana is unknown outside thepages of Henry. "A son of Matchekewis,captor of Mackinac," says the critic, "toldSchoolcraft that the name was entirely strangeto him." But when we turn to Schoolcraft forconfirmation, we find that his witness wassuspicious and unwilling to talk, and thatSchoolcraft expressly cites the incident as anillustration of the difficulty of a white man'sgetting the truth from an Indian!Criticism of such character as this revealsitself to be is of the stuff of which dreams aremade, and unworthy of serious consideration; 4and a more candid and capable critic must enterthe lists before the historical repute of Henry'snarrative can be seriously shaken. For myself,I see no sufficient reason for doubtingHenry's honesty, and his narrative itself4 1 have noticed it thus far only because, as far as myknowledge goes, it is the latest publication on the subjectof Henry's book, and as yet has evoked no noticeor answer. In editing a new edition of Henry, therefore,it seems proper to place his critic's attack in itsproper setting.xxi

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