Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcbeing almost entirely consumed I began to fearthat I must really abandon them; for I wasable to endure more hardship than they; andhad it not been for keeping company with themI could have advanced double the distancewithin the time which had been spent. Tomy great joy, however, the usual quantity ofwarm water revived them.For breakfast the next morning I put thelast square of chocolate into the kettle, andour meal finished, we began our march in butvery indifferent spirits. We were surroundedby large herds of wolves, which sometimescame close upon us, and who knew, as we wereprone to think, the extremity in which we wereand marked us for their but I carried a prey; gunand this was our protection. I fired severaltimes but unfortunately missed at each, for amorsel of wolf 's flesh would have afforded usa banquet.Our misery, nevertheless, was still nearer itsend than we imagined, and the event was suchas to give one of the innumerable proofs thatdespair is not made for man. Before sunset wediscovered on the ice some remains of the bonesof an elk, left there by the wolves. Havinginstantly gathered them, we encamped, andfilling our kettle, prepared ourselves a meal ofstrong and excellent soup. The greater part ofthe night was passed in boiling and regaling onour booty, and early in the morning we feltourselves strong enough to proceed.263

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