Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcrepresenting that I should certainly kill reddeer and elk, of which the tracks were visiblealong the banks of the river and on the sides ofthe hills. What I hoped for in this respect itwas not easy to accomplish, for the animalskept within the shelter of the woods and thesnow was too deep to let me seek them there.On the fifteenth our situation was renderedstill more alarming by the commencement of afresh fall of snow, which added nearly two feetto the depth of that which was on the groundbefore. At the same tune, we were scarcely ableto collect enough wood for making a fire tomelt the snow. The only trees around us werestarveling willows, and the hills which discoveredthemselves at a small distance werebare of every vegetable production, such ascould rear itself above the snow. Their appearancewas rather that of lofty snow-banks,than of hills. We were now on the borders ofthe plains.On the twentieth the last remains of ourprovisions were expended, but I had taken theprecaution to conceal a cake of chocolate inreserve for an occasion like that which wasnow arrived. Toward evening my men, afterwalking the whole day, began to lose theirstrength, but we nevertheless kept on our feettill it was late; and when we encamped I informedthem of the treasure which was still instore. I desired them to fill the kettle withsnow, and argued with them the while that the261

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