Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfeSlfctotturc^At eighty leagues above Fort de Bourbon, atthe head of a stream which falls into the Sascatchiwaineand into which we had turned, wefound the Pasquayah village. 44 It consisted ofthirty families, lodgedin tents of a circularform and composed of dressed ox-skins,stretched upon poles twelve feet in length, andleaning against a stake driven into the groundin the center.On our arrival the chief, named Chatique, orthe Pelican, came down upon the beach attendedby thirty followers, all armed with bowsand arrows and with spears. Chatique was aman of more than six feet in height, somewhatcorpulent and of a very doubtful physiognomy.He invited us to his tent, and we observed thathe was particularly anxious to bestow hishospitalities on those who were the ownersof the goods. We suspected an evil design butjudgedit better to lend ourselves to thetreachery than to discover fear. We enteredthe lodge accordingly, and soon perceived thatwe were surrounded by armed men.Chatique presently rose up and told us thathe was glad to see us arrive; that the youngmen of the village as well as himself had longbeen in want of many things of which we werepossessed in abundance; that we must be wellaware of his power to prevent our going farther;44At the junction of the Pasquia River with theSaskatchewan. Here the French built Fort Paskoyacbefore 1755. It is the site of modern Pas Mission orCumberland Station. Editor.249

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