Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 9FROM LAKE WINNIPEG TO BEAVER LAKETHE Cristinaux made me the usual presentsof wild rice and dried meat, andaccompanied them with the usual formalities.I remained at their village two daysrepairing my canoes; and though they weredrunk the whole time they behaved very peaceablyand gave me no annoyance. I observedthat two men constantly attended us, and thatthese individuals could not be prevailed uponto taste liquor. They had been assigned us fora guard, and they would not allow any drunkenIndian to approach our camp.On the eighteenth of August I left theseamicable people, among whom an intercoursewith Europeans appeared to have occasionedless deviation from their primitive mannersthan in any instance which I had previouslydiscovered. I kept the north side of the lake,and had not proceeded far before I was joinedby Mr. Pond, a trader of some celebrity in the<strong>North</strong>west. 38 Next day we encountered a38 Peter Pond was a native of Milford, Connecticut,born in 1740. He enlisted for the Seven Years' War,and at its conclusion, turned his attention to the sea.Before long, however, he engaged in the Indian trade atDetroit and other points, and in 1773 came out toWisconsin and Minnesota on a new venture. In 1 775 he243

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