Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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to collect all the provisions they can spare andplace them in a heap; after which they send forthe trader and address him in a formal speech.They tell him that the Indians are happy inseeing him return to their country; that theyhave been long in expectation of his arrival;that their wives have deprived themselves oftheir provisions in order to afford him a supply;that they are in great want, being destituteof everything, and particularly ofammunition and clothing, and that what theymost long for is a taste of his rum, which theyuniformly denominate milk.The present in return consisted in one kegof gunpowder of sixty pounds weight; a bagof shot and another of powder of eighty poundseach; a few smaller articles, and a keg of rum.The last appeared to be the chief treasure,though on the former depended the greaterpart of their winter 's subsistence.In a short time the men began to drink,while the women brought me a further andof rice.very valuable present of twenty bagsThis I returned with goods and rum, and atthe same time offered more for an additionalquantity of A rice. trade was opened, thewomen bartering rice while the men weredrinking. Before morning I had purchased ahundred bags of nearly a bushel measure each.Without a large quantityof rice the voyagecould not have been prosecuted to its completion.The canoes, as I have already observed,235

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