Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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an&and other articles. 29 Lake Sagunac is eightleagues in length by four in breadth. Thelands, which are everywhere covered withspruce, are hilly on the southwest but on thenortheast more level. My men were by thistime almost exhausted with fatigue, but thechief part of the labor was fortunately past.We now entered Lake a la 30 Pluie, which isfifteen leagues long by five broad. Its banksare covered with maple and birch. Our encampmentwas at the mouth of the lake, wherethere is a fall of water of forty feet called theChute de la Chaudiere. The carrying-place istwo hundred yards in length. On the nextevening we encamped at Les Fourches, on the31River a la Pluie, where there was a village ofcan Bureau of Ethnology (Washington, 1902), 1013-1137. Editor.28In a memorial of 1784 Benjamin and JosephFrobisher state that the first "adventurer" who wentwest from Mackinac in 1 765 was " "stopt and plunderedby the Rainy Lake Indians. The second attempt wasmade in 1767, when the traders, on leaving a portion oftheir goods at Rainy Lake, were permitted to proceedwith the remainder. In 1769 the Frobishers entered thecountry for the first time, and were themselves plunderedby the " "stillungovernable and rapacious nativesof Rainy Lake. From 1770 onward, however, the traderswere more successful; the reason for the cessation ofthe hindrance to their trade is evidently suggested hereby Henry. Editor.30Modern Rainy Lake. Editor.31Modern Rainy River, on the boundary betweenCanada and the United States.Editor.233

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