Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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&iejcantierlying between Lake Superior and Hudson Bay.From Michipicoten to the Pijitic the coast ofthe lake is mountainous; the mountains arecovered with pine and the valleys with sprucefir.It was by the river Pijitic 22 that the Frenchascended in 1750, when they plundered oneof the factories in Hudson Bay and carried offthe two small pieces of brass cannon which fellagain into the hands of the English at Michilimackinac.23 On the river are a band of WoodIndians, who are sometimes troublesome tothe traders passing.On the twenty-first I left the Pijitic andcrossing a bay three leagues in breadth landedon Pic Island. From Pic Island I coasted tenleagues, and then encamped on an islandopposite the Pays Plat, or Flat Country, aname borrowed from the Indians, and occasionedby the shoal-water, which here extendsfar into the lake, and by the flat and low lands22According to Carver it was by the Michipicoten.If he is correct, it must have been from Moose Fort, inJames Bay, and not from Fort Churchill, that they tookthe cannon. Author.The raid by the French upon the Hudson's BayCompany posts here alluded to actually took place in1686, and the affair had long since become legendaryamong the voyageurs of the <strong>North</strong>west. Henry is alsoin error as to the route taken by the raiding party,whichwas by the Ottawa, Lake Abitibi, Abitibi and Mooserivers.Editor.23The Pijatic is now known as White River. Editor.228

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