Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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sJOURNEY TO LAKE WINNIPEGthis enterprise I had still pursuedthe IndianPENDING trade, and on its failure Iapplied myself to that employment withmore assiduity than ever, and resolved onvisiting the countries to the northwest of LakeSuperior.On the tenth day of June, 1775, I left theSault with goods and provisions to the valueof three thousand pounds sterling on boardtwelve small canoes and four larger ones. Theprovisions made the chief bulk of the cargo ;nofurther supply being obtainable till we shouldhave advanced far into the country. Eachsmall canoe was navigated by three men andeach larger one by four.On the twentieth we passed the Tete de laLoutre, or Otter's Head, so named from arock of about thirty feet in height and fifteenin circumference, and which stands verticallyas if raised by the hand of man. What increasesthe appearance of art is a hollow in the adjacentmass of rock, which its removal mightbe thought to have left. In the evening weencamped at the mouth of the Pijitic, a river aslarge as that of Michipicoten, and which inlike manner takes its rise in the high lands227

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