Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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anfcprojecting from the surface, while moss orvegetable earth concealed the rest. Skeletonswere so frequent as to suggest a belief thatwant of food in this confined situation hadbeen the destruction of many; nor is anythingmore probable; and yet the absence of beasts ofprey might be the real cause. In forests moreordinarily circumstanced the graminivorousanimals must usually fall a prey to the carnivorouslong before the arrival of old age;but in an asylum such as this, they may awaitthe decay of nature.The alarm of these animals during our staywas manifested in the strongest manner. Atour first arrival they discovered mere surprise,running off to a distance and then returningas if out of curiosity to examine thestrangers. Soon, however, they discoveredus to be dangerous visitors, and then tookto running from one place to another in confusion.In the three days of our stay we killedthirteen.The island is distant sixty miles from thenorth shore of Lake Superior. There is no landvisible to the south of it except a small islandon which we landed. 19On the fourth day, after drying our caribouxmeat,we sailed for Nanibojou which we19The reader is not to look into any gazetteerIsland of Yellow Sands. It is perhaps that which theFrench denominated the He de Pontchartrain. Author.The island, now called Caribou, may be found onmodern maps about twenty-five miles due south of221for the

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