Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Chapter 7OPERATIONS OF THE COPPER COMPANYA~TERa search of two days we discoveredthe island with our glass; and on thethird morning, the weather being fair,steered for it at an early hour. At two o'clockin the afternoon we disembarked upon thebeach.I was the first to land, carrying with me myloaded gun and resolved to meet with couragethe guardians of the gold. But as we had nothappened to run our barge upon the yellowsands in the first instance, so no immediateattack was to be feared. A wood was before usat some little distance from the water's edge;and I presently discovered the tracks ofcariboux.Soon after I entered the woods three of theseanimals discovered themselves and, turninground, gazed at me with much apparent surprise.I fired at one of them and killed it; andat a mile farther I killed a second. Their sizewas equal to that of a three-year-old heifer.The day following I killed three.The island is much smaller than I had beenled to suppose it, its circumference not exceedingtwelve miles. It is very low and containssmall lakes. These latter I conjecture tomany219

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