Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antiThis year I attempted to cultivate culinaryvegetables at Michipicoten but without success.It was not at this time believed that thepotato could thrive at Michilimackinac. AtMichipicoten the small quantity of this rootwhich I raised was destroyed by the frost, inthe ensuing winter.In 1770 Mr. Baxter, who had sailed forEngland, returned bringing with him papers bywhich, with Mr . Bostwick and himself I wasconstituted a joint agent and partner in and fora company of adventurers for working the minesof Lake Superior. We passed the winter togetherat the Sault de Ste. Marie and built abarge fit for the navigation of the lake, at the"One of the Chipeways told me that some of theirpeople were once driven on the Island de Maurepas,which lies to the northeast part of the lake, and foundon it large quantities of heavy, shining yellow sand,that from their description must have been gold dust.Being struck with the beautiful appearance of it, in themorning when they re-entered their canoe they attemptedto bring some away; but a spirit of amazing size,according to their. account sixty feet in height, strodeinto the water after them, and commanded them to deliverback what they had taken away. Terrified at hisgigantic stature, and seeing that he had nearly overtakenthem, they were glad to restore their shiningtreasure; on which they were suffered to depart withoutfurther molestation. Since this incident, no Indianthat has ever heard of it will venture near the samehaunted coast. Besides this, they recounted to memany other stories of these islands, equally fabulous. "Three Years' Travels through the Interior Parts of<strong>North</strong> America, etc. By Captain Jonathan Carver, ofthe Provincial Troops, etc. Author.217

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