Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Ctataelg anfr%frtacnturegusual season. In the month of October, all theIndians being supplied and at the chase, Iresolved on indulging myself in a voyage to theSault de Ste. Marie, and took with me threeCanadians and a young Indian woman, whowished to see her relations there. As the distancewas short and we were to fish by the way,we took no other provision than a quart ofmaize for each person.On the first night we encamped on the islandof Nanibojou and set our net. We certainlyneglected the customary offerings, and anIndian would not fail to attribute it to thiscause that in the night there arose a violentstorm which continued for three days, in whichit was impossible for us to visit our net. Inconsequence we subsisted ourselves on ourmaize, the whole of which we nearly finished.On the evening of the third day the stormabated and we hastened to examine the net.It was gone. To return to Michipicoten wasimpossible, the wind being ahead; and westeered, therefore, for the Sault. But in theevening the wind came round and blew a galeall that night and for the nine following days.During all this time the waves were so high andbroke so violently on the beach that a canoecould not be put into the water.When we first disembarked we had notenough maize to afford a single day's provisionfor our party, consisting as it did of five persons.What there was we consumed on the211

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