Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Crafeeig anfcatitoenturcare to be regarded as strong traits by which thesorrows and calamities of the country admitof being characterized, rather than as parts ofan accurate delineation of its more ordinarystate.Among such of these Indians as I knew, oneof them was married to his own daughter, whohad brought him several children; and I wastold by his companions that it was commonamong them for a man to have at the sametime both a mother and her daughter forwives.To the ten lodges I advanced goods to a largeamount, allowing every man credit for a hundredbeaver-skins, and every woman for thirty.In this I went beyond what I had done for theto which I was em-Chippewa, a proceedingboldened by the high character for honestywhich issupported by this otherwise abjectpeople. Within a few days after their departure,others arrived; and by the fifteenth ofOctober I had seen, or so I was informed, allthe Indians of this quarter, and which belongto a thousand square miles. They were comprisedin no more than eighteen families; andeven these, in summer, could not find food inthe country were it not for the fish in thestreams and lakes.The country immediately contiguous to mywintering ground was mountainous in everydirection, and the mountains were separatedfrom each other rather by lakes than valleys,207

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