Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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antistories concerning Nanibojou, and many havebeen already given to the public; and this atleast is certain, that sacrifices are offered onthe island which is called his grave or tumulus,by all who pass it. I landed there and foundon the projecting rocks a quantity of tobaccorotting in the rain, together with kettles,broken guns, and a variety of other articles.His spirit is supposed to make this its constantresidence; and here to preside over the lake,and over the Indians, in their navigation andfishing.This island lies no farther from the mainthan the distance of five hundred yards. Onthe opposite beach I found several pieces ofvirgin copper, of which many were remarkablefor their form, some resembling leaves ofvegetables and others, animals. Their weightwas from an ounce to three pounds.From the island to my proposed winteringground the voyage was about ten leagues. Thelake is here bordered by a rugged and elevatedcountry, consisting in mountains of which forthe most part the feet are in the water and theheads in the clouds. The river which falls intothe bay is a large one but has a bar at its entranceover which there is no more than fourfeet water.On reaching the trading post, which was anold one of French establishment, I found tenof Indians. These were Gens delodgesTerres, or O'pimittish Ininiwac,205of which

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