Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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LEGENDS OF NANIBOJOUTHE same year I chose my winteringground at Michipicoten on the northside of Lake Superior, distant fiftyleagues from the Sault de Ste. Marie. On myvoyage, after passing the great capes which areat the mouth of the lake, I observed the banksto be low and stony and in some places runninga league back to the feet of a ridge ofmountains.At Point Mamance the beach appeared toabound in mineral substances and I met with avein of lead ore, where the metal abounded inthe form of cubical crystals. Still coastingalong the lake, I found several veins of copperore of that kind which the miners call gray ore.From Mamance to Nanibojou is fifteenleagues. Nanibojou is on the eastern side ofthe Bay of Michipicoten. At the oppositepoint, or cape, are several small islands, underone of which, according to Indian tradition,is buried Nanibojou, a person of the mostsacred memory. Nanibojou is otherwise calledby the names of Minabojou, Michabou, Messou,Shactac, and a variety of others, but ofall of which the interpretation appears to bethe Great Hare. The traditions related of the203

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