Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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meal 'sprovision for each person. Happily, atour firstencampment an hour's fishing procuredus seven trout, each from ten poundsweight to twenty. At the River Miscoutinsakiwe found two lodges of Indians who had fish,and who generously gave us part. The nextday we continued our journey till, meetingwith a caribou, I was so fortunate as to kill it.We encamped close to the carcass, whichweighed about four hundred pounds, and subsistedourselves upon it for two days. On theseventh day of our march we reached FortMichilimackinac, where our difficulties ended.On the first of July there arrived a hundredcanoes from the <strong>North</strong>west, laden with beaver.202

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