Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

Original - North Central Michigan College Library

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Cratoelg anfcsome measure through the medium of our prejudices;but I confess that this distressing objectappeared to verify the doctrine. He atewith relish nothing that was given him; but,indifferent to the food prepared, fixed his eyescontinually on the children which were in theIndian lodge, and frequently exclaimed, "Howfat they are!" It was perhaps not unnaturalthat after long acquaintance with no humanform but such as was gaunt and pale from wantof food, a man's eyes should be almost rivetedupon anything where misery had not madesuch inroads, and still more upon the bloomand plumpness of childhood; and the exclamationmight be the most innocent, and mightproceed from an involuntary and unconquerablesentiment of admiration. Be this as itmay, hisbehavior was considered, and not less naturally,as marked with the most alarming symptoms;and the Indians, apprehensive that he wouldprey upon their children, resolved on puttinghim to death. They did this the next day withthe single stroke of an axe, aimed at his headfrom behind, and of the approach of which hehad not the smallest intimation.Soon after this affair our supply of fish, evenhere, began to fail; and we resolved, in consequence,to return to the Sault, in the hope thatsome supply might have arrived there. Want,however, still prevailed at that place, and nostranger had visited it; we set off, therefore,to Michilimackinac, taking with us only one

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